Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A long road to Cedar City, but I'm here.

Santa Fe NM to Page/Lake Powell is one for the books.  I've met some really good people on the road, and was able to help a fellow rider out with a fuel filter problem.  Got him back on the road and rolling.  So I thought I saw some good places to ditch a body driving to Santa Fe, well I found even more heading to Page.  One stretch of road, 83 miles of nothing but rocks and wind, which led me to a town called Kayenta. It's really not much of a town.  A Sonic, 2 gas station, a McDonlads and 2 or 3 other buildings which didn't catch my interest.  A very small housing community.  I pulled into one of the gas stations.  I have routine I've been following when getting gas in the desert:
1 - Take off helmet
2 - Store GPS in saddle bag
3 - Drink a pile of water
4 - Head into the station for some A/C (It's only about 100 degrees out here)
5 - Get gas

Well before I finished my water, a Native American came up to me wreaking of booze and asks if I can spare a couple of bucks so he can get some food at McDonalds.  I will help a person in need, but this guy was bombed.  Considering this guy had already drank a large amount of 'fire water', I pulled my standard line "sorry partner I'm on credit".  I learned this line playing in a band down in Orlando FL.  Playing a gig usually meant you would load your gear back into the van/truck around 2:00am, when all the panhandlers are in full force.  My favorite is when a panhandler would offer to help load our gear for $5...Yeah no thanks dude, I'd like to keep my gear.  I dunno what my Fenders would bring at a pawn shop, but I bet ol'boy does.  The Native American gent looked confused and walked away.  Not 30 seconds later another drunk walked up to me speaking no English with hand out...This one I didn't even answer.  Just finishing my water, a guy comes over to me and asks if he can have a couple of bucks for gas.  I dropped the 'standard' line and the dude asked me to run my card....Really?!?  This place must be the AZ capital of bums.  I just grabbed my GPS, put my helmet on and went on down the road.


15 miles in, my gas light went on.  No worries I thought, my turn is 10 miles up, I'm sure there's a gas station there.  I was right.  I pulled up to a pump, and like in the Blues Brothers movie...No gas...Man, my specs state I can get anywhere from 37 to 45 miles on reserve, depending on riding conditions.  Well conditions were big hills.  As I'm pondering my options, a gent on a Moto Guzzi rolls in for gas.  This was my road angel.  We chatted for a bit and he agreed to ride with me back to Kayenta...if either of us ran out of gas, the other would bring back a gas can.  Off we went.  We both made it, perhaps in part due to a slow cargo truck, which helped keep the RPMs down.  I got to talking with the gent (Evan), who was from Georgia and also out on a cross country tour.  He was solo too.  We shared some stories laughed a little....That's when McDonalds man rolled back up.  Seriously, is this your job I asked?  He stumbled away.  Thanks for the talk Evan, safe travels brother.

I rolled into Page and found a hotel with a pool.  I considered that a shower.  After the pool, I headed right across the street to a bowling ally for some food.  Mistake.  When I saw they only had the same style of pizza that I was served in grade school, I decided to do myself a favor and try another place.  Found the Dam Bar & Grill.  I ordered a salad, and it was respectable.

The next day I awoke at 4:40am, and instead of just trying to fall back asleep I decided to catch the sunrise. Amazing sight.  After a few pics, I headed back to the hotel for a real shower.  After the shower I noticed my back was hurting, so I pulled out the tablet and found a Jillian Michaels Yoga workout.  Seemed like the thing to do...Wow, did she beat the tar outta me! Detroit yoga has nothing on Jillian.  Another shower and I was on the road.

Cedar City UT was only about a 3 hour ride.  Baby shit after what I had rode the previous days.  So again I took the scenic route.  I pulled into a gas station at highway 251 and 14.  There I came upon a true bad ass. I saw a BMW GS650, and it looked beat.  It's owner was sitting at a small patio table smoking.  His name was Pete.  He has been on the open road since Oct 2013, and has put 26,000 on his bike since then, 1/2 of it on dirt/mud/clay.  Sometimes with his lady and his dog!  He filled me with his tales, and it made me think. Thinking is not what I'm best at, but I liked his style.  Throw caution to the wind and just do it.  He told tales of making money on a crab boat, building skyscrapers and riding in snow and ice.  This guy runs his own show.  I've got about 4,000 miles on this run, and I'm guessing I'll have another 3,000 by the time I arrive in Berkley MI.  I'm working on it Pete...I'm working on it.

I'm gonna be in Cedar for a few days hanging with Wendy's brother Alex and his girlfriend Kenzie and their boy Hayden.  Taking a trip to see Wendy's parents this weekend.

Here's a few pics.

Cheers to the road

Glen Canyon

Sunrise, 5:30am

AZ/Utah border 

Mr. Badass and I

The "little" red machine of Mr. Badass

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